What do we install?

Our Products


Roofline Lighting

The first step to a stunning display

Roofline lighting is the cornerstone of our process, making the biggest impact on your holiday display. This technique involves meticulously outlining every single edge of your roof - not a single gutter or corner is overlooked. The resulting effect is a dramatic, enchanting glow that truly defines your home in the night.

Areas of Use:

  • All roof edges

  • Gutter lines

Roof Ridge Lighting

Enhancing Simpler Roof Designs

Roof ridges lighting is an excellent technique for adding an extra layer of detail and depth to your home. Perfect for simpler roof designs or homes that just need a little extra sparkle, this technique involves illuminating the peaks and ridges of your roof. The result is a captivating visual effect that adds dimension and enhances the entire lighting display.

Areas of Use:

  • Roof ridges

  • Roof peaks

  • Homes with less roof details


Tree Wrapping

Multiple Techniques for Magical Trees

Our tree wrapping techniques transform your trees into spectacular spectacles of light. We use various methods to wrap both the trunks and canopies of trees, choosing the technique that best complements the tree's individual shape and structure. The transformation of these natural elements into stunning light features adds a unique and magical touch to your display.

Areas of Use:

  • Tree trunks

  • Tree branches and canopies

  • Shrubbery and bushes

Architectural Lighting

Connections Roof to Groud

With architectural lining, we create a harmonious and unified lighting display that outlines the distinct features of your home. This technique involves lighting up the edges and corners of your home, as well as any standout architectural details, such as arches. The result is a beautifully cohesive display that truly encapsulates the unique character of your home.

Areas of Use:

  • House corners and edges

  • Arches and unique architectural features

  • Porches and entryways


Ground Lighting

Extending the Glow to the Ground

Ground lighting is all about creating a layered effect in your holiday display. By extending the warm glow from the roof down to the pathways, driveways, and flower beds, we create a seamless transition that enhances the overall visual impact of your lighting display.

Areas of Use:

  • Pathways and driveways

  • Flower beds and shrubbery

  • Outdoor living spaces


Festive Touches for Day and Night

Greenery is not just about lighting - it's about creating a festive look that is appealing both day and night. We carefully select and place wreaths and garlands to make your home look festive during the day. As night falls, the lights woven into the greenery come alive, adding a magical glow that enhances the natural beauty of your landscape.

Areas of Use:

  • Front doors and entrances

  • Railings and fences

  • Outdoor living spaces